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The story of Vajor is narrated best by the people at its heart. Vajor is a brand that has evolved over the years like a living entity itself. It has witnessed many moons and has weathered gracefully. Today, Vajor is a lifestyle. A destination for all modern bohemians to find their true reflection in every aspect of their lives under the umbrellas of Fashion, Home & Experiences. We believe we are an essential and integral part of people who strive for a holistic experience. People who want clothes that are both mindful and aesthetic. Urban people who like their space to reflect a little bit of the jungle and a little bit of the starry dimension. Hungry souls who are in the hunt for experiences that enrich all their senses. Vajor’s vision is to cultivate a community that breathes the modern bohemian lifestyle and become a sustainable ecosystem of people and ideas.
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Category: Fashion & Apparels